Entries by KSU Forum on the City

DPR-Barcelona, publisher of our MADRID book, part of the team awarded at the Venice Architecture Biennale.

We are very happy to announce that DPR-Barcelona, publisher of our The Kent State Forum on the City: MADRID book and developer of its augmented realities content, was part of the “Radical Pedagogies” team, coordinated by Beatriz Colomina (Director of Graduate Studies, Ph.D. Program at Princeton University, School of Architecture). The team was awarded a Special Mention for […]

Sebastião Salgado’s exhibition at CaixaForum Madrid.

CaixaForum Madrid is hosting a beautiful exhibition on photographer Sebastião Salgado. “Génesis” opens today and will run until May 4, 2014. The over 200 photographs on show, an unprecedented photographic tribute to our planet, are the result of eight years’ work and some thirty journeys across the world explored by Sebastião Salgado. For more info, […]

Rafael Moneo’s retrospective until March 30.

Spain’s most honored architect, 1996 Pritzker Prize winner Rafael Moneo, is looking back over his career with a retrospective at the Fundación Barrié in A Coruña until March 30 under the title “Una reflexión teórica desde la profesión” (A theoretical reflection from inside the profession).

TU Delft students on visit at El Campo de Cebada by Zuloark.

Wouter Vanstiphout, Chair at the Architecture Faculty of Delft University of Technology, had his students visit Madrid, as part of their graduation studio “Follow the Money”, in order “to explore the effects of the county’s property bubble and the (sometimes) harsh consequences of political games and real estate speculation on the built environment.”