• Eco-Boulevard


by ecosistema urbano

The project has two main objectives: a social one, aimed to generate activity; and an environmental one, the bioclimatic adaptation of an outdoor space, achieved with a system of passive air conditioning based on chilling by evapotranspiration. This system, commonly used in the green house industry, is capable of lowering temperature by around 10 degrees Celsius, depending on humidity and temperature. The system is particularly efficient with high temperatures and low relative humidity (typical conditions in Madrid during the summer). (source: ecosistema urbano’s website)

LocationEco-boulevard 28031 Pau de Vallecas, Madrid
FunctionPublic space
Latitude/Longitude40°22’13N / 03°37’49W
More info
Other linksEcosistema Urbano
© Copyright - KSU 2012 Madrid | Event organized and produced by Kent State University | Publishing project: dpr-barcelona | Graphic design: Lcd | Web design: Anne-Sophie de Vargas